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How we hike

Happy Hikers publishes a quarterly hiking Calendar. A listing of scheduled hikes is shown on the Home

page. More detailed hike information is sent out via e-mail to members 1-2 weeks prior to the hike.  The 

email lists the name and location of the hike, date, a short description, beginning and ending elevation, and

distance.  Hike information is updated frequently to accommodate changes in weather and trail conditions.

Updates are also often provided via e-mail blast to Happy Hikers club members.

Signing up for hikes

To sign up for a hike, contact the leader and tell him/her you are coming. Sign up between Sunday and Thursday the week prior to the hike. Call early in the week to reserve a space if the hiking group size is limited. Be sure to cancel prior to the day of the hike if you unexpectedly cannot make it.  Be on time, as we leave promptly! Note: Only Happy Hikers Club members and guests of members who are approved by the hike leader can go on the hikes. 

Where to meet for hikes

We meet at several RTD Park-n-Ride lots across town. For directions, see the RTD Park-n-Ride map Please be prompt. We leave at the posted meeting time so plan to arrive BEFORE that time.

What to expect on a hike

Meet at the Park-n-Ride listed on the schedule. Bring your boots, backpack, food, water and other necessary gear. For a guide on what to bring, see Member ResponsibilitiesLeader Rights and Responsibilities and Equipment List. At the Park-n-Ride, let the leader know you’re there. He/she will ask for volunteer drivers, provide last-minute instructions and divide people into carpools. If you are not driving, be prepared to pay your driver $0.07 per mile to cover gas expenses. We usually stop for a meal and/or drinks after a hike. The leader will ask you if you plan to eat, drink and socialize a little or if you want to return directly to the Park-n-Ride. Those who want to return right away will be asked to carpool separately. Be sure to let the leader know your plans. At the trailhead, hikers will assemble prior to the hike and any necessary introductions will be made. The designated leader may also ask for a volunteer rear leader whose responsibility is to keep track of the “tail end” of the group. Please note that our leaders are ultimately in charge of our hikes. They plan the hikes. They are the sole decision-makers when it comes to proceeding, changing or turning back due to trail conditions, weather or other circumstances. If you have a question or problem during a hike, contact the leader. HOWEVER – THE CLUB AND/OR IT’S LEADERS ASSUME NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER. REMEMBER: YOU SIGNED A LEGAL LIABILITY WAIVER WHEN YOU WENT ON YOUR FIRST HH HIKE!!

Some hikes are limited

The number of participants on a hike may be limited due to Forest Service or Wilderness Area regulations or the discretion of the leader. Hiking group size limits are listed on the calendar. To ensure that you get to go on a hike you want, sign up early.

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